
Welcome to Fontis!

If you're a young adult between the ages of 21-35 seeking an authentic, Catholic community— look no further!

We actively host events, socials, and more in the Springfield area on a regular basis to help you make meaningful friendships, experience continued formation, and fall deeper in love with God while doing it.

Upcoming Events
Check out what's happening this month!

St. Agnes Cathedral, Springfield
4:45pm - Confessions
5:30pm - Mass
Dinner to follow!

2nd &  4th  Thursdays
Immaculate Conception, Springfield
6pm - Adoration & Confession
7pm - Dinner & Discussion

Every other Wednesday at 6:30pm

“The 'commandment' of love is only possible because it is more than a requirement. Love can be 'commanded' because it has first been given.”

—Pope Benedict XVI, Deus Caritas Est